Thursday 31 May 2007

Global warming

You could use this site to explore further about climate change causes, efffects and solutions .

Climate change animation

Here is an animation about climate change and ways to minimise its impact.

Thursday 24 May 2007

Crisis appeal for Darfur region

One of Year 10's population casestudies is about Darfur. Today aid agencies in UK have joined together to appeal for aid to help the suffering in that region of Africa . Aid is needed to bring in supplies of food and medicines for the refugees. Within the next month the seasonal rains will arrive and make access to this remote region difficult.

Stop Disasters

Disasters triggered by natural hazards can destroy lives. Your role here is to plan and construct a safer environment.


Year 8 are learning about the rainforest.
Here you will find information about deforestation and the rainforests.
This site has some rainforest games.

Sunday 20 May 2007

Climate Change

Click image above for cbbc web site which will help year 9 with their Global Warming Enquiry.

Saturday 19 May 2007

Concerts for a climate in crisis

Find out more about global warming.
Listen to Madonna.
See photos of hotspots.
Explore the concert venues.

Friday 18 May 2007

Year 11 Revision

By now Year 11 should be revising their GCSE geography.
Here are some web sites to help you.

Tuesday 15 May 2007


As year 9 is studying about globalisation in the workplace I have found a good game for you to try. Reach the set limit of trainers to make in your shift and you will move up a level.


Ordnance Survey (Mapping the future!!!)

What might Great Britain look like in 2050?

Ordnance survey invites years 3-11 to take part in a competition to produce a painting, drawing, collage or other form of artwork to describe what Great Britain will be like in 2050.
The aspects which can be featured include:
  • Environment
  • Seasons
  • Transport
  • Nature
  • Weather
The winners
The winners of each year group will win a
8 GB i-pod nano
Also the overall winner will win a
M PEG digital video camera.

For more information about this competition visit the
ordnance survey website.

Dubble Chocolate

Dubble, the new fair trade chocolate bar has launched a competition where students can win prizes and get involved in fair trade. The competition involves three stages:
  1. storyboard.
  2. game creation.
  3. entry.
The winner will get the idea turned into a real game by Atticmedia designers and they will also go on a visit to the Atticmedia studios to see the design progress and approve their game. The game will also be featured on the Dubble website. They will also receive Dubble chocolate goodies!

The runner up will receive a professional designed and framed static image of their game. They will also receive Dubble chocolate goodies!

For more information on the three stages of the game and for help click on the image above.

Flash Earth

Flash Earth allows you to go to any specific area in the world. You can view an aerial photograph of any area and choose between Google, Microsoft, Ask or NASA.
Click Flash Earth image.

Flash earth allows you to:
  • Go anywhere in the world.
  • Zoom in or out of an area.
  • Rotate your position to see various perspectives.
  • Use various programs for the best picture quality.

Earth Browser

Earth browser is a new GSI mapping system which can be downloaded from the web. With Earth browser you can:
  • Go site seeing.
  • View live weather reports.
  • Focus on cloud cover and other forms of weather.
  • Look at recent of developing hurricanes, earthquakes etc.
  • Use iceberg tracking.
  • Discover sea/land surface temperature
  • and much more..
For more information about downloading visit

Geography Department Teachers.

Mrs C.Brown - Head of Department.
Miss L.Mcloy.
Mr G.Rigden.