Saturday 27 October 2007

Indonesia on triple volcano alert

Here is the view from 'child of Krakotoa'

Here is the Reuters News

Wednesday 24 October 2007

California's fires still burning.

Half a million people have been evacuated away from the fires burning across California. The ground is very dry, the weather is very hot and the winds are very strong so as to make the fires even stronger.

Monday 22 October 2007

How far do animals travel in a week?

Here is a website which maps the journey of polar bears, elephants and whales, who have been fitted with satellite collars.
See latest photos of cute penquin chicks in sub-zero temperatures.

Saturday 20 October 2007

Hurricane preparedness

These clip shows what the University of Miami does to ensure the safety of its students in event of a hurricane.

Monday 15 October 2007

Blog Action Day

Today is the day when all blogs are asked to talk about the environment.
Here at ECSC it is fieldwork week for year 9 and the issue they are tackling is about the environment. Pupils have to decide if the local village has a good quality of the environment. They are going to collect data and see if it matches up to their prior perceptions.
Quality of the environment is seen as a pull factor attracting people to move to commuter villages away from a poorer quality of the environment in the cities. Students will be collecting data to test this hypothesis. They are not only looking for a pollution free environment but also a pleasant, safe and convenient place to live. E.G. what facilities are within a short walking distance, are there plenty of green open spaces , are there safe places for children to play.

Thursday 11 October 2007

Flood disaster

Year 8 are learning about how to prevent flooding. Use your knowledge and play the game.
select the flood scenario.

Wednesday 10 October 2007

Flash Earth

Flash Earth allows you to go to any specific area in the world. You can view an aerial photograph of any area and choose between Google, Microsoft, Ask or NASA.
Click Flash Earth image.

Flash earth allows you to:
  • Go anywhere in the world.
  • Zoom in or out of an area.
  • Rotate your position to see various perspectives.
  • Use various programs for the best picture quality.

Friday 5 October 2007

Lightwater Valley

Year 11 Leisure & Tourism class have started their marketing unit using Lightwater Valley as a case study. Here is Lightwater Valley's official website.