Sunday 27 January 2008

Crime fieldwork

Year 8 have been out completing their crime surveys in the Village.
Here is a link to the Durham Police site for more information about house security. The Virtual House gives you tips and advice on protecting your home and property from burglars. Look around the house through the eyes of a PC and a Burglar, then take the Quiz to test your knowledge!
Click on virtual house.

Amazon deforestation is on the rise again.

Latest report on deforestation of the Amazon shows that area of rainforest cut down was 3235km2 from August-December 2007. This is alarming because previous reports had shown a decrease. One of the reasons is that land is being cleared to grow soya which commands a high price on world markets. It is exported to feed cattle and chickens for meat production.

Friday 18 January 2008

Market Gardening in the Netherlands

Year 11 have been looking at an example of intensive arable farming in the EU.
Here is a link to Market gardening in the Netherlands. It is about the Action Pearl Growers who are a group of market gardeners. They have grouped together to share ideas, marketing, scientific advise and equipment. Some horticulturalists let visitors see around their massive greenhouses and their intensive methods.

Friday 11 January 2008

The world's cheapest car goes on sale in India.

The vehicle, called the Tata Nano, will sell for 100,000 rupees or $2,500 (£1,277) This should make motoring affordable for more people in LEDCs. But green activists predict trouble ahead for countries that already have inadequate infrastructures and soaring CO2 emissions. Read more here.

Wednesday 9 January 2008

Wednesday 2 January 2008

Where will you go in 2008 ?

Happy New Year !
Now is the time when many people start looking at the brochures and deciding where they might like to go on holiday later in the year. Some tourists are becoming more aware of sustainable tourism and the negative impacts of tourism. Here is a site where you can find out more about the effects of air travel and how to offset your carbon footprint.